Re: [Salon] Gaza And The Elusive Cease-Fire | Hoover Institution Gaza And The Elusive Cease-Fire

This Hoover Institute article is a perfect apologia for Israeli Military Occupation and Conquest of the Palestinians, just as one would expect of the Conservative Hoover Institute. And a perfect example of “Perception Management” as Cognitive Warfare, which this is a form of, by Israeli and U.S. definitions.

And not surprisingly, the Libertarian Richard Epstein even links to Eliot Abrams, the Chairman of Tikvah, at the link below. With not a mention of Israeli Military Occupation/Repression/Settler (Brown Shirts) Expansionism against the Palestinians, but only a “cognitive war” meme of how Israel is the victim of all these international malefactors, like the EU, the US Democrats, etc.: 

Someone here said back in 2016-2017 that Trump’s election spelled the “end of Neoconservatism,” or words to that effect. I called B.S. to that then, and even more emphatically do now. Making me wonder: was that a joke? Or intended as “Disinformation?” As a look at this Tikvah lineup is clear evidence that there is no distinction between the proverbial Neocons, and the Trumpite “New Right,” which Tikvah represents through Hazony/National Conservatism. Allied as it is with the U.S. Heritage Foundation and its President Kevein Roberts, Victor Davis Hanson, of Hoover, and other “Trumpite Traditional Conservatives.” Which they are; Traditional Conservatives, as Trump has been proclaimed as here. Which is why I’m so opposed to them! And their libertarian partners of the Right, like Epstein.  

Here’s one prominent Cognitive War example of their work: 
The National Conservatism Conference, organized by Yoram Hazony and the Edmund Burke Foundation, kicked off this week in Washington, D.C. Read why Dr. Hazony thinks the future of conservatism is nationalist, and then enroll in his online course on what we can all learn from the history and meaning of Jewish nationalism:

On Feb 22, 2024, at 2:02 PM, Michele Kearney via Salon <> wrote:

Honest, workable solutions to a horrific status quo have yet to surface.
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